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Positive self esteem affirmations are useful to improve confidence and they also help counter negative thoughts.
Affirmations can seriously help you boost self-esteem and help you feel good about yourself. We have all heard of positive affirmations for self-esteem.
There are hundreds of great self worth affirmations you can say to yourself daily to help you increase your self-esteem.Self Esteem Affirmations
By rehearsing positive affirmations daily they will help change your life for the better.
I have gathered a list of 100 Self-Esteem Affirmations That Builds Self-Worth.
- I am unique. I feel good about being alive and being me.
- Life is fun and rewarding.
- Amazing opportunities exist for me in every aspect of my life.
- There are no such things as problems, only opportunities.
- I love challenges; they bring out the best in me.
- I replace “I must”, “I should” and “I have to” with “I choose”. (try it with something you think you have to do, and replace must with choose… notice the difference?)
- I choose to be happy right now. I love my life.
- I appreciate everything I have. I live in joy.
- I am courageous. I am willing to act in spite of any fear.
- I am positive and optimistic. I believe things will always work out for the best.
- It’s easy to make friends. I attract positive and kind people into my life.
- It’s easy to meet people. I create positive and supportive relationships.
- I am a powerful creator. I create the life I want.
- I am OK as I am. I accept and love myself.
- I am confident. I trust myself.
- I am successful right now.
- I am passionate. I am outrageously enthusiastic and inspire others.
- I am calm and peaceful.
- I have unlimited power at my disposal.
- I am optimistic. I believe things will always work out for the best.
- I am kind and loving. I am compassionate and truly care for others.
- I am focused and persistent. I will never quit.
- I am energetic and enthusiastic. Confidence is my second nature.
- I treat everyone with kindness and respect.
- I inhale confidence and exhale fear.
- I am flexible. I adapt to change quickly.
- I have integrity. I am totally reliable. I do what I say.
- I am competent, smart and able.
- I believe in myself,
- I recognize the many good qualities I have.
- I see the best in other people.
- I surround myself with people who bring out the best in me.
- I let go of negative thoughts and feelings about myself.
- I love who I have become.
- I am always growing and developing.
- My opinions resonate with who I am.
- I am congruent in everything I say and do.
- I deserve to be happy and successful
- I have the power to change myself
- I can forgive and understand others and their motives
- I can make my own choices and decisions
- I am free to choose to live as I wish and to give priority to my desires
- I can choose happiness whenever I wish no matter what my circumstances
- I am flexible and open to change in every aspect of my life
- I act with confidence having a general plan and accept plans are open to alteration
- It is enough to have done my best
- I deserve to be loved
- I have high self esteem
- I love and respect myself.
- I am a great person.
- I respect myself deeply.
- My thoughts and opinions are valuable.
- I am confident that I can achieve anything.
- I have something special to offer the world.
- Others like and respect me.
- I am a wonderful human being I feel great about myself and my life.
- I am worthy of having high self esteem.
- I believe in myself.
- I deserve to feel good about myself.
- I know I can achieve anything.
- Having respect for myself helps others to like and respect me.
- Feeling good about myself is normal for me.
- Improving my self esteem is very important.
- Being confident in myself comes naturally to me.
- Liking and respecting myself is easy.
- Speaking my mind with confidence is something I just naturally do.
- Each day I notice I am more self discipline.
- I enjoy being self disciplined.
- I am doing the best I can with the knowledge and experience I have obtained so far.
- It’s OK to make mistakes. They are opportunities to learn.
- I always follow through on my promises.
- I treat others with kindness and respect.
- I see myself with kind eyes.
Table of Contents
ToggleSelf Worth Affirmations
- I am a unique and a very special person.
- I love myself more each day.
- I am willing to change.
- I approve of myself.
- I care about myself.
- I am a child of God.
- My work gives me pleasure.
- I give praise freely.
- I am respected by others.
- I rejoice in my uniqueness.
- I attract praise.
- I deserve good in my life.
- I appreciate myself.
- Each day I am becoming more self-confident.
Using positive affirmations to manifest change in your life is a great way to boost self-esteem. I normally place sticky notes in my bathroom mirror filled with positive affirmations, so it can be the first thing I see in the morning. I hope you have enjoyed these self esteem affirmations. Make sure to bookmark this page for future reference.
Discover the power of self-love with my free eBook Committed To Myself: 40 days to a better, more confident you. Commit yourself to 40 days, and you will be better than ever!
Self-love is essential, but do we know how? Download my eBook for some easy tips on getting started – it’s time that every single one of us makes our happiness a priority again!
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Very Inspiring article, thanks for sharing
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Very Inspiring article, thanks for sharing